Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Flat Dreadlocks And Accepting What is

Today on my show Freeform Dreadlock talk I answer a viewer's question about how they can keep the dreadlocks in the back of their head from not becoming flat.  I basically answered the question based on what I have come to define Freeform Dreadlocks as being.  I have said this many times on my show but I don't mind repeating it.  To me Freeform Dreadlocks are formed freely.  My freeform dreadlocks are forming naturally at their own rate and in their own way.  That is what makes each person who has freeform dreadlocks different.  Our locks show our own individual personality.  

I suggest that those who are embarking upon the freeform dreadlock journey to spend more time out within Mother Earth and to really tap into why you are really here on Earth in the first place.  Is your purpose to communicate solely through an artificial existence or are you here to live by example.  Are you here on planet Earth to attract the most friends, to be popular?  Or are you here for a much more spiritual reason.  I asked myself these questions in the beginning of my Freeform Dreadlock journey.  Mother Earth helped me to put things into perspective.

Many times people are influenced by what their friends and family think is best.  Is this a life that you want to live?  This life of conforming to what everyone else is doing is a life with no free will in my opinion.  You can live your life this way, but are you happy?  Do you feel uncomfortable with fitting into an impossible image of what your friends and family want you to be.

I was very vulnerable to friends and family in the beginning of my journey.  But as time went by I found myself wanting to be out in nature more, putting healthier foods and drinks in my body and tuning into my true life's purpose.  My true life's purpose does not involve following the herd.

Thank you all for stopping by to read my blog here.  I like to share what I learn on this journey.  Because to me having Freeform Dreadlocks for 19 yrs has helped me to see that I am not a soul who enjoys conformity.

Brightest Blessings,


Friday, August 26, 2016

Freeform Dreadlock Talk Show Coming Back Soon

Hello Everyone,

If you have been following on social media and through my blogs you will know that I have been without a sufficiently working camera.  That is why I have not been making any shows lately for Freeform Dreadlock Talk.  There have been some questions coming in and I just want you all to know that I have been listening and if I don't answer them right away I will get to them as soon as I can.

I was gifted a camera by a dear sweet friend who had an extra camera that she no longer needed.  All I have to do is get a usb cord so that I  can upload video and photos.

Thank you all for your patience.

I shall return soon.

Brightest Blessings To You Alll

Trina.  A.K.A. Darkmoon Doll

