Sunday, July 10, 2011

FreeForm Dreadlocks Inspiring Photos and Videos

Hello all,
I just wanted to mention a couple of freeformers that are very inspiring to me. And I will try and upload a video or two and mention a blog so that you can see that it helps to see other freeformers on a journey similar to your own.
The first one is cupidvalentino1 and he is on youtube. He has a lot of good information in his videos that go far beyond just freeform locks. So please take the time to visit his videos on youtube. I don't want to say much more because I want you to judge for yourself.
Okay for some reason blogger won't let me imbed one his videos in my blog so please just go and visit his youtube.
Another awesome freeformer is on youtube and he goes by the name of hatsdontfit. And he also has a blog and is on tumblr. His tumblr name is Gorilla Loves Hummingbird.
Those two men are awesome examples of freeform dreads in action. It just shows you that everyone dreads will look different.
I think that setting out to have your dreads look like someone else's is not very intelligent. Be you and no one else!
Peace be with you all

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Freeform Dreadlocks 14year Anniversary

I know a lot of people thought this was a fly by night decision when I first embarked upon my dreadlock journey. I had become convinced in the year 1998 that this was the best way to be in the process of becoming as natural as I can be. I let go of the unnecessary pressures I put upon myself to try and fit in and look neat tidy the the world of commercialism.
14yrs of learning how to let myself go and set myself free has taught me that I don't need to poke and prod at my locks and try to color them to look more interesting. I don't need to seperate them to look uniform and all the same. I just keep them clean and let them be.
Because I dyed them 3yrs ago I lost a lot of length to them and my locks suffered from them a bits and pieces have fallen off. But the bits and pieces that fell off were dead